The Weekend Is Coming!

Dear Body, you’ve been great the past couple of nights at the gym. I really didn’t think you’d be able to run for as long as you did that first night. I’m proud of you. Dear Contacts, I really need you to last me for at least two more weekends. I’m about to go on a road trip where we will be driving at night there and back. I need y’all to do your job and stop letting my eyes go blurry. I’d like my roommates and I to make it there and back safely. Dear Sena, I love having you as not only my boss, but as a friend and mentor. I’m so thankful for you. Dear Roommates, I am really praying that everything works out for this next year. Things have been crazy and hectic, but I know God will work everything out according to His will. It’s amazing that He cares about every single thing in our lives. Dear Texas Weather, it’d be really cool if you could warm back up. I would really like to be able to sit on my front porch again without being bitten by freezing cold wind. Thanks!